Explore the Colorful Geology of Guatemala


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News and Events


Dr. Jonathan Obrist-Farner and Dr. Jeremy Maurer will be traveling to Guatemala to work with scientists at the Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanologia, Meteorología e Hidrología (INSIVUMEH) for training on the utilization of GPS instruments. We will be donating four GPS stations to INSIVUMEH and will teach them the principles of satellite-based navigation, the functioning of GPS receivers, and how to utilize these systems to monitor volcanic deformation and deformation along faults and fault systems. Our goals for the training is to provide INSIVUMEH scientists with the skills necessary to monitor volcanic and crustal deformation in the country, allowing them to gain valuable insight into different Earth Systems processes.

Coring for Paleoseismic Events

Dr. Jonathan Obrist-Farner, Dr. Derek Gibson, and M.Sc. student Quin Stangeland traveled to Guatemala to core four lakes in the country. Our study aims to investigate paleoseismic events along the Polochic-Motagua Fault System. Paleoseismic investigations involve the study of past seismic events and their geological imprints to gain insights into the history and behavior of earthquakes. By examining geological features in lakes, such as sublacustrine landslides, we can deduce the timing, magnitude, and recurrence intervals of prehistoric earthquakes that may not be well-documented in historical records. With techniques like radiocarbon dating and the analysis of sediment cores, we can reconstruct a timeline of seismic activity, helping to refine seismic hazard assessments and improve our understanding of earthquake dynamics. Our goal is to provide evidence of past seismic events and their timing, providing critical information for assessing the seismic risks that certain areas may face and contribute to disaster preparedness strategies.

Meet the team

We are a group of geoscientists interested in delving into the intricate workings and evolution of the Earth and its interconnected systems. We seek to uncover the secrets of our planet’s past, present, and future. Our team focuses on investigating phenomena like tectonic plate movements, past and present climate change, geological hazards, and environmental change in Guatemala. Our goal is to enhance our fundamental understanding of geological processes and promote sustainable development of the country’s natural resources.

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Learn about our projects

The Earth, a dynamic and intricate planet, holds within its layers a wealth of stories waiting to be deciphered. Beneath its surface lie the keys to unraveling the mysteries of our planet’s past, providing clues about our present and future. Our projects are not just scientific endeavors; they are crucial to the understanding of natural hazards and the sustainable management of the environment. Our goal is to provide a better understanding of the geological processes taking place in Guatemala, playing a pivotal role to comprehend natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and climate change. We are motivated not only for the pursuit of scientific knowledge but also for the sustainable development of the country’s resources and the well-being of its inhabitants.

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